Java Modelling Tools - JMT

Download JMT

Current Stable JMT Version: 1.3.0

Java Modelling Tools download packages:

  1. FULL Version (includes JMT, installer, manuals, examples, shortcuts) with GRAPHICAL INSTALLER. (Recommended)
    Download it here

  2. JAR Version (includes JMT), NO INSTALLER. (For users with installation problems)
    Run JMT from the command line as follows: java -jar JMT-singlejar-1.3.0.jar
    Download it here

  3. SOURCES are available on the GIT repository of the project.
    Clone from the command line with: git clone jmt-code-git
    The code is compiled and packaged using Apache Maven 3.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to uninstall any previous version of Java Modelling Tools before installing a new release.


See license informations in the Licence page.

Designed by JMT Team